You’re in the market for a new pair of wrist wraps but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out which wrap is for you! Not to worry, the best wrist wraps for powerlifting or just the best wrist wraps for strength training are here at A7 and below is how to find what’s just right for you.
The new Zebra Wrist Wraps feature an all-new Patent Pending design. Vs a traditional wrist wraps these have Strips of Velcro on the wrist wrap rather than the usual block of Velcro. This unique design overcomes the stretch limitations of all other wrist wraps which means you are able to pull the wraps tighter, but you can also loosen them off a little more than other wrist wraps. This makes each stiffness incredibly versatile.
The wraps still offer double-stitched ambidextrous heavy-duty thumb loops for a perfect fit and offers 4 new stiffness levels. Check out below which is perfect for you:
Things to consider:
- WRAP LENGTH – The length of the wrap matters mainly for the size of your wrists and how much fabric you want to cover the area. Naturally the more fabric you have the tighter the wrap will feel. But sometimes the trade-off can be comfort or if you want a bit of movement in the wrist joint you might want to stay away from the longer wrist wraps. If you are a smaller/lighter lifter the 55s or the shorter wrist wraps may also be of benefit and larger lifters would benefit from the 99s which are the longest IPF approved wrist wrap.
- WRAP STIFFNESS - Typing “Worlds Stiffest Wrist Wraps” into google isn’t always going to get you the best wrist wraps for powerlifting. Stiffer doesn't always doesn’t mean better. Instead think about how your wrist actually moves when you are using the wraps – especially in squat and bench. If you want a bit of wrist movement then the flexis or mids are for you, where a stronger wrist in the lifts means the stiffs or Rigor Mortis wrist wraps would be more your choice.
The wrap you choose is personal to you and hopefully you’ve now got a bit more information to select the perfect wrist wrap for you!