A7 Bar Grip is one-of-a-kind performance shirt with patented silicone grip on the back that is designed to help with slippery commercial benches and bars. The grip helps you stick to the bench during bench press and anchors the barbell to your back when squatting. Bar Grip is the ultimate training shirt for powerlifting, strongman and weightlifting workouts.
Most powerlifters will choose our traditional Bar Grip where the grip is on the back only. Ideal for squatting or benching in a commercial gym this is where you will find our largest range of designs. An extra tip for those who are big arched benchers?! Our Front Grip Bar Grips will allow you to get grip as you set up very high up on the shoulders. Check these out if you have tried our traditional Bar Grip and feel you need that extra layer of grip.
Our Bar Grips are perfect for anything on the back but we also have a Front Squat Bar Grip for any cleans, KB swings or loaded shoulder carries. Margins can matter, especially in CrossFit where reps are higher and time is of the essence for certain events. The front squat Bar Grip means there is less stress around missing a clean by it falling off your front rack position. Bar Grip is there to lock you in and get your PB clean to PB WOD time.
Atlas stones, logs, Conan wheel, Yoke the list is pretty exhaustive in Strongman where grip to the body is essential. But the nature of strongman means the grip is needed basically all over so that’s exactly what we designed! Our Strongman Bar Grip is designed to support whatever you throw at it.