Read here for more informationOur drive to Demand Greatness is deeply rooted within us, giving you the power like no other.
This force beneath the bar is where your true inner strength and beauty lies, your passion to lift is represented with the red of a rose, and your strength is symbolised by the ivory of the tusks.
Hourglass Knee Sleeves feature an all new Patent Pending design with an hourglass-shaped centre taper fit to help provide centre knee compression while maintaining proper tightness around the calf and quad. Now offered in three unique stiffnesses (Flexi, Stiff and Rigor Mortis) to meet your desired compression both on and off the platform.
We offer the sleeve in our classic stiffness now called Flexi and Stiff that you have come to enjoy in our Cone Knee Sleeves. Hourglass Knee Sleeves also introduce a new level of stiffness called Rigor Mortis which offer a level of stiffness, density, and squeeze in the calf, quad, and center knee joint unlike any sleeve before.
Hourglass Knee Sleeves - Ivory Rose feature:
- Double seams along the back to keep greater tension on the knee joint
- 7mm thickness (maximum allowable in most powerlifting federations)
- 30 cm length (maximum allowable in most powerlifting federations)
- Hourglass-shaped center taper fit, which applies greater tension at the knee joint
- Made with high quality neoprene and other materials
- Available in three stiffnesses: Flexi, Stiff, Rigor Mortis
- Comes in a convenient mesh bag
- Sold as a pair
- Rigor Mortis version features the stiffest and most dense neoprene
- Approved for use in USAPL, USPA, IPL and IPF